The collection centers around the idea of witchcraft as a topical subject and an intriguing phenomenon in Africa. Africa experiences grim consequences of the entrenchment of witchcraft including social exclusion, expulsion, and even murder of alleged witches or enlightened beings.
This collection charts the examination of the discourse of this divinity practice through the use of two elements, glass, and sisal (Agave sisalana).
Using the materiality of Sisal and glass IAMISIGO imagines a world of understanding, using them as tools in Divination. Sisal is an integral part of ancient and modern-day space design and architecture but also a healing fiber. Glass is seen as an archaic relic, a deceptively adaptable medium acting as a societal mirror, reflecting power, conflict, change, and belief.
These two mediums offer us not only a respite from present-day sensory bombardments, but a space to examine who we are.
The Installation is open to the public from Sunday, 30th October